ACT Peak Oil Inc. exists to raise awareness and educate about the peak of world oil production, its implications, and the options for mitigation, within an environmental, economic and social context.

GDE and Canberra 2020 summit

Speaking today at the Canberra 2020 summit, Alex Pollard, President of ACT Peak Oil, said "The ACT Government's decision to build the GDE with only one lane in each direction is to be welcomed. ACT Peak Oil recognises this decision as a prudent cost saving measure. The daily commute will be uneconomic to most Canberrans within a decade. World oil production is likely to peak and decline imminently. Additional expenditure on the road would have been a waste."

ACT Peak Oil has incorporated

ACT Peak Oil is now an incorporated association. You are welcome to join, just send an email to and we will get back to you.

Annual membership $20, with a concession rate of $10.

The ACT Peak Oil Inc. rules are available here.

Reply from Minister Turnbull on Oil Depletion Protocol

Earlier this year ACT Peak Oil delivered copies of The Oil Depletion Protocol by Richard Heinberg to a number of federal MPs. So far we have received one response, from Minister Turnbull.

Crude Awakening premiere screening

ACT Peak Oil is proud to present the premiere screening of the acclaimed film Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash on Wednesday 1st August. The world-wide peak and irreversible decline of oil production is happening now. And Canberra is particularly vulnerable. Come and find out more about this important issue.
Update: There will be a short forum after the film with guest speakers Kerrie Tucker (ACT Greens Senate candidate), Bill Stefaniak (ACT Leader of the Opposition) and Mike Kelly (Labor candidate for Eden-Monaro). Wine included.

666 ABC Canberra transport forum

666 ABC Canberra is holding a transport forum in the 666 Studios. The forum will consist of a panel of transport thinkers.
Update:Alex Pollard has been invited to participate as a representative of ACT Peak Oil.
Check here for details

A Geologist's View From Hubbert's Peak

Beyond Oil is an engaging and easily understandable introduction to the ins and outs of various alternatives to conventional oil, written by an eminent geologist. It features succint potted histories, witty anecdotes, rare insights and a little in-depth maths for those wanting to better understand Hubbert's Peak. It is however a bit uneven. It's not a holostic treatment of the issues, thought I don't think it was intended to be.

out of - Alex P

Usual approach to regional rail not viable

News from Engineers Australia:

Following the recent "Future frameworks for regional rail" symposium, at Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga in southern NSW, Engineers Australia's Railway Technical Society (RTSA) is alerting a wider audience to the issue.

Senate Peak Oil report released

The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs policy committee has tabled the report into Australia's future oil supply. The report is centred upon concerns about 'Peak Oil'.

ACT Peak Oil made a submission to this inquiry, and appeared before the inquiry at the Canberra hearing in May.

The final report is available here

SEE-Change in Canberra

In response to Peak Oil, many people are undertaking "relocalisation".

In Canberra, the SEE-Change initiative could form the basis for such an effort locally. It is described by Prof. Bob Douglas:

"Solving the social, economic and environmental issues now confronting Australia and the world cannot be left to the experts and the politicians. Ordinary people must take action. If we are to get ourselves out of the mess we are in, people power needs to cut in.

SEE-Change is a new way of encouraging communities to become involved in finding solutions to some of the serious issues that we are now facing....

Interim Senate Oil Inquiry Report

The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs policy committee has released its interim report into Australia's future oil supply.

ACT Peak Oil made a submission to this inquiry, and appeared before the inquiry at the Canberra hearing in May.

The interim report is available here.

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