Concerned about Peak Oil and Canberra's energy future?
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UPDATE: click through for summary of talk.
ACT Peak Oil invites you to a public meeting with Professor Kjell Aleklett, International President, Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO), Professor in Physics at the Global Energy Systems Group, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Peak Oil - an end to economic growth?
5.30 for 6pm (refreshments served)
Monday 13 December 2010
Reception room
Legislative Assembly
London Circuit, Canberra
Hosted by Shane Rattenbury MLA
ACT Peak Oil has reviewed the major parties' policies with respect to Peak Oil: ALP, Coalition and Greens
An editorial opinion from ACT Peak Oil Vice President Jenny Goldie published in The Canberra Times.
ACT Peak Oil has sent a survey to ACT Election candidates. This is the response from the ACT Greens, sent in after the election. It shows a very good understanding of the issues.
ACT Peak Oil has sent a survey to ACT Election candidates. This is the response from Mike Hettinger, Labor candidate for Molonglo. It shows an appropriately wide-ranging approach to the problem of Peak Oil.
ACT Peak Oil has sent a survey to ACT Election candidates. This is the response from Jon Stanhope, Chief Minister and Labor candidate for Ginninderra.
ACT Peak Oil has sent a survey to ACT Election candidates. This is the response from Adam Verwey, independent candidate for Ginninderra. Clearly he is a candidate who thinks and cares about important issues.
ACT Peak Oil President Alex Pollard today welcomed announcement of a light rail taskforce by the Conservation Council and Canberra Business Council. "An electrified mass transit system will be important if Canberra is to meet emission targets, and a crucial component of any viable transport system after Peak Oil." he said.
"Canberrans can expect ever-rising fuel costs as world oil production peaks and begins an irreversible decline. Even worse, an oil export crisis is forseeable
2011 Draft Energy White Paper submission
ACT Peak Oil made a submission regarding the Australian Government's 2011 Draft Energy Whitepaper. The draft ignores Peak Oil at the nation's peril. Pointedly the suppressed BITRE report 117 is ignored.
ACT Peak Oil has been featured in a number of news items today raising awareness about the imminent oil crisis.
Click through for an article from the Canberra Times reporting some of our expectations for the future of transport planning.
Update: The Canberra Times featured ACT Peak Oil for a second day running after we held up a banner at the opening of the last stage of the GDE. Minister Hargreaves came over and we had a polite and friendly chat with him on transport policy.