ACT Peak Oil Inc. exists to raise awareness and educate about the peak of world oil production, its implications, and the options for mitigation, within an environmental, economic and social context.

Dinner with Nicole Foss

ACT Peak Oil, Nature and Society Forum and Sustainable Population Australia

invite you to

Dinner with Nicole Foss

acclaimed international expert on energy and the economy

7pm Wednesday 10 April 2013

Brassey Hotel

Belmore Gardens, Barton

$55 per ticket for two course meal. Drinks available at the bar. Nicole will answer questions for half an hour. Money must be received by 12pm, Monday 8 April.

See flyer for further details.

Julian Cribb to speak before ACT Peak Oil Annual General Meeting

Julian Cribb

Author of The Coming Famine

Photo: J. Carl Ganter

“Peak Oil and Food Security”

Molony Room, ANU Emeritus Faculty

24 Balmain Crescent, ANU, Canberra

5.30 for 6pm

Refreshments served at 5.30pm

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The address will be followed by Q&A and conclude at 7pm. After a 10 minute break, the AGM of ACT
Peak Oil will proceed. Members of the public are welcome to attend and to join the organisation.

Richard Heinberg's speech at the Opera House

Richard Heinberg spoke at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Opera House. The video is available here

Richard Heinberg's Adelaide presentation

ACTPO President on population, published in News Limited

We seem to be hurtling down the path towards an out-sized Australia

In June 2010, Prime Minister Julia Gillard famously said: “Australia should not hurtle down the track towards a big population.”

She was distancing herself from her  predecessor Kevin Rudd, who had famously said on ABC TV's 7.30 Report that he believed in a “Big Australia”, of 36 million by 2050.

Letter from ACTPO President published in Guardian Weekly

No going back for Arctic

When Arctic sea-ice levels finally hit the anticipated record low this week, I felt a mixture of fear and panic (Arctic sea-ice levels on the verge of record low, GW, 31 August). Trend lines on graphs of sea-ice extent show the Arctic could be ice-free as early as September 2015 and almost certainly by 2020. With more exposed ocean absorbing more radiation and less ice to reflect it, a positive feedback mechanism has been set in train.

Richard Heinberg's Canberra presentation audio available

Community radio station 2XX has made available Richard Heinberg's talk from September 21:

Richard Heinberg speaks in Canberra September 21

ACT Peak Oil is pleased to announce acclaimed author and Peak Oil expert Richard Heinberg will be in Canberra to speak at a local event on Friday September 21 at ANU Manning Clark Theatre 1, 7pm
Richard Heinberg is touring Australia as a guest of Sustainable Population Australia and sustainable population activist Dick Smith. The Canberra leg of his tour is cosponsored by ACT Peak Oil, The Australia Institute, Nature and Society Forum and See-Change.
UPDATE: Tour itinerary available

Policy Statement

ACT Peak Oil advocates changes to government policy to prepare for Peak Oil.
Please click here for our policy statement.

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