ACT Peak Oil Inc. exists to raise awareness and educate about the peak of world oil production, its implications, and the options for mitigation, within an environmental, economic and social context.

Letter from ACTPO President published in Guardian weekly

Canada's abandonment of its progressive stance on the environment has grave implications for the whole planet, not just Canada (Canada courts big oil, GW, 22 June). As NASA climate scientist James Hansen has famously said, should the proposed XL Keystone pipe-line go ahead, it would be "game over" for the climate.

Amory Lovins: A 50-year plan for energy

Peak Oil: The Race for What’s Left – Full Talk

Professor Michael T. Klare presents the full talk on his latest book – The Race for What’s Left: The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources – to the Carnegie Council on March 20, 2012. The talk is followed by an audience Q&A. @ 60 minutes.

Jeff Rubin on Peak Oil

Jeff Rubin, economist and winner of the 2010 National Business Book Award for his title Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller, speaks at the Toronto Reference Library May 14, 2012. With CBC’s Michael Hlinka.

Jeff Rubin – Part 1

Robert Overtz interviews Michael T. Klare

Letter from ACTPO President published in Guardian weekly

Prepare for oil's decline

The Iranian navy has warned it could close the strait of Hormuz, through which a fifth of the world's traded oil passes (Iran: We'll close the strait of Hormuz, GW, 13-19 January 2012).

This would not be good for anyone, least of all the Iranians, but it may help us to prepare for what is to come as global oil supplies begin to decline, perhaps as early as 2015.

Nicole Foss - Monday 13 February, 7:00 - 9:00pm

Monday 13 February, 7:00 - 9:00pm - Nicole Foss: Preparing the nation, your community and family for peak oil and deflation in the coming economic environment.

CSIRO Discovery Centre, Clunies Ross Street, Acton (turn up the hill at the roundabout in Clunies Ross Street)

Peak Oil is evidence-based

The Canberra Times published the following letter from ACT Peak Oil President Jenny Goldie on January 3:


As one who tries to inform people about the implications of peak oil, I was infuriated by being lumped with such ''apocalypse-predicting subcultures'' as Christians who anticipate an imminent day of rapture when all non-believers will perish, and interpreters of the Mayan calendar who are convinced the world will end on December 31, 2012 (''Apocalypse tomorrow'', Panorama, December 31, p12).

Dr Mees on light rail

The Canberra Times published the following letter from ACT Peak Oil President Jenny Goldie on November 10:

There is much to applaud in Dr Paul Mees' position on the ACT draft transport plan (Car-dependent disaster, CT, Nov 7). We do indeed need to redirect money away from the private car to public transport and more cycleways.

Does government have any plans to cope with a Mid-East meltdown?

The Canberra Times published the following letter from ACT Peak Oil President Jenny Goldie on March 2.

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