[Peakoil] UK carbon-allowance scheme proposed

Michael Honey michael at icelab.com.au
Thu Jul 20 21:52:03 EST 2006

 From the Guardian, via BoingBoing:


"A radical plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions by rationing the  
carbon use of individuals is being drawn up by government officials.  
The scheme could force consumers to carry a swipe card that records  
their personal carbon allocation, with points knocked off each time  
they buy petrol or tickets for a flight.

Under the scheme, all UK citizens from the Queen down would be  
allocated an identical annual carbon allowance, stored as points on  
an electronic card similar to Air Miles or supermarket loyalty cards.  
Points would be deducted at point of sale for every purchase of non- 
renewable energy. People who did not use their full allocation, such  
as families who do not own a car, would be able to sell their surplus  
carbon points into a central bank.

High energy users could then buy them - motorists who had used their  
allocation would still be able to buy petrol, with the carbon points  
drawn from the bank and the cost added to their fuel bills. To reduce  
total UK emissions, the overall number of points would shrink each  


I doubt it'd get up, but fascinating nonetheless. As Australians are  
the worst per-capita carbon criminals in Earth, it'd be a great move  
for us to follow suit...

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