[Peakoil] News items from Canberra Times for many days

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Mon Oct 16 13:18:07 EST 2006


I've been having very bad ISP troubles for two weeks and for much of  
the time I wasn't able to receive mail and mostly not send, and if i  
did unsure if it would reach it's destination so you haven't been  
hearing from me. Therefore this is a catch up email.

Monday 16 Oct
"Slow rail timetable necessary, says Govt" AAP p.3

NSW is slowing down country trains because of potential buckling of  
rails in hot weather.

Comment: We are going to need rail more when peak oil hits and there  
needs to be more investment in rail because of this. Meanwhile global  
warming will give us more hot days which will affect the rails.

"On traffic dilemma, NRMA should look past its headlights" Letters

Jeff Shergold writes that surveys show in cities 50% of trips are  
less than 5km and could be accomplished by walking or cycling.  
Criticises the NRMA.


Comment: There are two further letters at that URL.

Sunday 15 Oct

"Cycle lanes a while elephant" letters

John K. Layton says cycle lanes are underutilised and are a waste of  

Comment: Fool.


Friday, Oct 13

"NRMA survey says cycling lanes not safe" by Tamara Glumac p.7

NRMA survey of 400 cyclists says 40% have had a near miss in cycling  
lanes and they are not safe. Pedal power a]nd ACT Roads dispute this.

Comment: There have been some follow up letters on this I think. Each  
extra bike on the raod means one less car which surely improves  
safety. With peak oil there will be fewer cars and more bikes.

"Buses a worry" Letters p.10

Carl Zimmermann writes that reduction in bus services will result in  
more car usage, traffic congestion and competition for parking  
spaces. There will be a reduction in the mobility of the more  

Comment: Cutting bus service is the wrong way to go if you are  
worried about peak oil or climate change.

Thursday 12 Oct

"Security for energy supplies underrated" by Athol Yates" p.17

Yates was Session Chair at the energy Security Symposium in Canberra  
the previous day. He discusses how energy security is now becoming a  
major issue for governments.


Comment: And he does this without mentioning peak oil!!!

Monday 9 Oct
"Australia out of line on energy: protesters" by Paul Malone

Fewer than expected Canberrans turned out for a rally calling for a  
shift to renewable energy sources.


Comment: Sadly I wasn't there. I plead a determination not to drive  
my car to it,  a bad cold that prevented me from riding my bike 40km  
and the prospect of 4 buses to get there and back home.

phone : 02 6241 7659 | mailto:me at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
mobile: 04 1242 0397 | mailto:tony.barry at alianet.alia.org.au

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