[ACTPO Members] AGM minutes

ACT Peak Oil secretary at act-peakoil.org
Tue Nov 15 10:54:19 UTC 2011

ACT Peak Oil Inc. AGM
Fellows Cottage
Fellows Lane
7pm Thursday 27 October 2011


Tony Barry
Sarah Dinsmore
Susan Nancarrow
In attendance:

Jenny Goldie
Nick Goldie
Karin Geiselhart
Henry Hatch
Ed Smith
David Lattimore
Paul Pollard
Alex Pollard

Reading of minutes of previous AGM

Motion to accept minutes.
Moved Paul Pollard
Seconded David Lattimore
President's report

Motion to accept President's report.
Moved Alex Pollard
seconded Karin Geiselhart

Treasurer's report

Motion to accept Treasurer's report.
Moved Karin Geiselhart
Seconded Alex Pollard

Motion to appoint Tony Minchin as auditor.
Moved Paul Pollard
Seconded Ed Smith

Election of committee

Jenny Goldie appointed Nick Goldie as returning officer.

Nomination of Jenny Goldie by Paul Pollard
Seconded by Ed Smith
Jenny accepted nomination

As the only nomination Jenny Goldie declared elected

Alex Pollard nominated by Jenny Goldie
Seconded by Paul Pollard
Alex accepted nomination.

As the only nomination Alex Pollard declared elected

Paul Pollard nominated by Jenny Goldie
Seconded Karin Geiselhart

As the only nomination Paul Pollard declared elected

Vice President:
Tony Barry nominated by Jenny Goldie
Seconded by Karin Geiselhart

As no other nominations elected provisionally (later accepted)

3 ordinary committee members:
Ed Smith nominated by David Lattimore
Seconded by Paul Pollard
Ed accepted nomination

Karin Geiselhart nominated by Jenny Goldie
Seconded by Henry Hatch
Karin accepted nomination

Sarah nominated by Jenny Goldie
Seconded by Alex Pollard

No other nominations.

Ed Smith, Karin Geiselhart and Sarah Dinsmore declared elected
(Sarah provisionally elected, later accepted).
General discussion:

Karin raised issue of growing the membership.
* Ask other orgs to link to us and that we're looking for members
* Attend more meetings with public officials and put out press releases *
Focus on practical local issue e.g. Canberra-Queanbeyan rail line * Karin
willing to have name on website to do talks.

Jenny raised Canberra Urban Regional Forum

Discussion of some issues to focus on such as light rail.

* find latest peak oil sites and put links on website
* get Heinberg's End of Growth
* put urban submission on the website

Ed Smith suggested development of 2012 ACT election policy document by
winter  next year, placed on agenda of next committee meeting.

closed meeting 8pm

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