[Peakoil] Report on gas vs electric houses

karin at doctordemocracy.net karin at doctordemocracy.net
Tue Mar 17 10:12:25 EST 2015

There was an excellent presentation last night by the Alternative
Technology Association in Melbourne.

They modelled gas and efficient electric appliances using a range of
variables, including number of appliances, their age, type of housing,
regional prices and temperatures, etc.

Summary and links to full report:


Gas prices have risen more than electricity prices in recent years, and
now Australia will be selling gas overseas, putting our consumers in

Biggest finding was that it is always more cost effective (over a 10 year
net present worth), to install reverse cycle electric heating and cooling
rather than ducted gas in a new home, and generally also for an existing
home. (which is what I am looking into now for my own house)

For hot water and cooking it varied, but generally the greatest benefits
come when you switch the last gas service off, and eliminate service
charges. Induction cook tops are apparently very good, and have become
less expensive.

It is not expected that the gas industry will go into a 'death spiral' any
time soon, but there are risks to the existing business model,
particularly if some of the report's recommendations are taken seriously.

Recommendations include:
reviewing the gas industry's right to spruik itself as clean and cheap

eliminating any subsidies in new housing developments for installation of
gas infrastructure

requiring gas network businesses to forecast and analyse disconnection rates

helping low income people or poorer landlords to do conversions to electric


moving public housing services away from an 'all gas, automatically'
assumption in their developments and renovations.


Karin Geiselhart

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