[Peakoil] Mathaba.Net: The Transition-Town Economy

Antony Broughton Barry antonybbarry at me.com
Wed Jun 20 14:09:45 UTC 2012

On 20/06/2012, at 6:17 PM, Keith wrote:

> Tell us something about news360

It's an iPad app (also Android). It has various categories of news and you can extend it to add your own. You specify a search criteria such as "peak oil" and it comes up with a list of sources which might match that category which you can save for reuse.

Looking at a category gives you a list of articles with a brief summary. Select one and you get a screen full of information in a nice plain format with buttons to send it to your choice of social media like Facebook or Twitter, cloud services such as Instapaper, Pocket or Evernote or just email it. There is a link to the full site which you can also send to the services.


It is a step up from the RSS aggregators like Flipboard, Early edition and MobileRSS

An even better service, although the interface is not as clean, is Zite. It does much the same but has two excellent twists. It is self configuring in a way. I keep the RSS feeds that interest me on Google Reader and usually read them via the above apps. The clever twist zite does is you can feed it with what your are interested in by giving it access to your Google account and also social media. I post a lot of what interests me on Twitter and Facebook and also send a lot to Evernote so Zite is reading what I post and automatically changing the weights on what I might want to read. The second is that you can also mark what you are reading as something that you like or dislike and also rate the source of the items. The more you read, post and comment on the more it learns about your interests. Of course you have to careful in the way you rate things otherwise you will be feeding your own confirmation bias.

Zite: Personalized Magazine for iPad and iPhone www.zite.com/

Both of them must have a database of current articles from a very wide range of media backing them up for the starting feed.


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