[Peakoil] ACT gas emissions up

Keith Thomas keith at evfit.com
Thu Oct 27 00:18:23 UTC 2011

So 63% of emissions come from electricity generation, yet Canberrans must reduce their "reliance on" [KT - why not "use of"?] cars. Where is the logic in that?

Further these data are 2 1/2 years old. Clearly, the ACT government do not regard this as an urgent problem.

Until they can get their priorities right and their logic straightened out, can we rely on the data in the first place?
Keith Thomas

On 27/10/2011, at 10:22 AM, Jenny Goldie wrote:

ACT gas emissions up
The ACT Government says the latest results on greenhouse gas emissions show Canberrans need to reduce their reliance on cars. 

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