[Peakoil] decline and fall

Keith Thomas keith at evfit.com
Tue Mar 8 21:50:48 UTC 2011

This article ends with a reference to human over-population - apposite because we all know that NO significant societal problem can be eased over the long term by more human beings adding themselves to the mix.

The article includes a list of seven things we can do. But, note that these are not about CHANGING our lifestyle. They are about CONTINUING our present lifestyles while using less oil. What will happen if these seven proposals are implemented? If past history is any indication (introduction of fossil fuels, green revolution for example), humanity and civilization will give itself a breathing space which it will fill with more people. The population bomb will just get bigger.

"Decline and Fall" indeed. And for our globalized human societies it won't be over the millennium-long, almost imperceptible pace of the Roman empire's decline either.
Keith Thomas

On 09/03/2011, at 1:15 AM, Jenny Goldie wrote:

Who is to blame for $4.00 a gallon gas? How about $10.00 a gallon?
By Frosty Wooldridge




What can we do?

·        Massive change-over to two and four cylinder cars
·        Massive push for electric and solar cars
·        Massive push for wind and solar energy
·        Massive push conservation on all fronts
·        Massive push for walking centric cities
·        Massive push for mass transit
·        Massive push to ride bicycles!

As the USA adds 3.1 million people annually, net gain, to rise from 312 million to 400 million by 2035—more demand, less oil—higher prices and lucky to have any oil at all!  Finally, we need a massive push for population stability by the United States to lead the rest of the countries of the world.  We cannot keep adding human numbers if we expect to survive the 21st century.

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