[Peakoil] Stratfor says China's economy unsustainable

W & C Steensby steensby at netspeed.com.au
Thu Jun 2 03:08:58 UTC 2011

Hello Folks,

I'm a subscriber of Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting), a US think-tank which analyses and forecasts geopolitical affairs.This morning I received an advertisement from them for a new book entitled China, Power and Perils.

The advert headline reads, "China's Economic Miracle: as unsustainable as a Ponzi scheme".

Main paragraph: "China's economy (according to China) needs 8% annual growth, to keep the roughly 16 million new people entering the work force from rising in jobless protest—and to keep up with climbing wages and to sustain a growing retired population. A combination of exports, loose lending practices, super low margins, and government spending help keep up the growth. Sound healthy to you?"

Dot points: China's Economy: An Unsustainable Model
• Needs consistent 8% growth to survive
• Required growth rates would eventually surpass global capacity... It's not possible!
• Will crumble rapidly under crisis

I live in hope that one day Stratfor will discover and acknowledge that the entire world is on the same path. At least with this book they've made a start.

You can buy the book if you want. It'll cost you a Stratfor membership, or an extension if already a member. I can get this and another book "for free" if I extend my membership for $199. Pass.



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