[Peakoil] Article: Benefits of shale gas outweigh negatives

W & C Steensby steensby at netspeed.com.au
Fri Dec 30 00:48:46 UTC 2011

Written by someone who believes that this industry is really necessary and whose impacts can be controlled:

This article isn't about coal seam gas, by the way, although there are similarities. At least it contains a list (partial or complete I cannot say) of what is being injected into the ground.

What I see clearly is the continued and sustained release of untold amounts of greenhouse gases into the biosphere and too little attention given to developing alternative energy sources. I suppose our various governments are waiting for the Market to tell them what to do and when to do it.

Ironic, isn't it: in the absence of a functioning economy we can't afford to develop alternative energy sources, and it is these fossil-fuel energy sources which simultaneously keep the economy alive to permit the development of alternatives while at the same time threatening it and us with destruction.


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