[Peakoil] Democrats and biofuel

Leigh Kite lkite at tpg.com.au
Tue Apr 25 10:24:25 EST 2006

A good healthy bit of political engagement targetting labour, green and 
democrats would probably go down well around about now, it'ld be a good gun 
to load for them in helping to rid us all of the Howard government.  :)



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian Nicholls" <happy.beast at gmail.com>
Cc: "ACT Peak Oil discussion Oil discussion" <peakoil at act-peakoil.org>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Peakoil] Democrats and biofuel

I was looking over the democrats website, They don't have an official
policy on Energy, even though the forums on Lyn Allison 's website has
a topic dedicated to it. Should we be consulting with them to try and
get a formal policy in place and start to push it harder, otherwise we
will see political maneuvering in place to push Bio fuels as the
solution instead of a more rounded approach. As every alternative to
oil has limitations that eliminate them from total oil replacement we
should be looking at multiple sources, i.e. Solar, Biofuels, Wind

Before the little implosion to get rid of Natasha as the leader, The
Democtrats made some good headway in pushing some policies that needed
attention. If pushing the oil use remediation issue is left to the
greens then a large portion of the country will dismiss it as yet
another enviro whinge and there will be no political muscle devoted to


> [OK, OK, I know it's not the answer...!]
> Democrats leader Senator Lyn Allison has called for more R&D on biofuels 
> to reduce
> Australia's reliance on petrol.
> http://www.democrats.org.au/news/index.htm?press_id=5107&display=1

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