[Peakoil] The End of Suburbia

Keith Thomas keith at evfit.com
Sun Sep 4 23:08:38 EST 2005

I have been slow off the mark.  I saw The End of Suburbia only today 
and can thoroughly recommend it.  Some say it's scary for newcomers to 
the peak oil concept, but for those of us familiar with it, the DVD 
presents a very sophisticated, focused summary of where we came from, 
where we are now and where we are heading.

The production is superb, with clever and smooth segues from vintage 
movies, contemporary shots to talking heads.  It's American, but 
there's not much that Australians will reject for its Americanness.  
Ruppert is a bit over the top, Kunstler is a yankee class act, Richard 
Heinberg is both informative and thought-provoking.

If you have not seen it yet, DO!
Keith Thomas

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