[Peakoil] "They'll think of alternatives / replacements for oil"?

Keith Thomas keith at evfit.com
Wed Nov 2 07:43:59 EST 2005

Here's an extract from a US PO list. Useful responses to those who 
insist "They'll think of something to replace oil":

 >I believe the technology is there to replace fossil fuel
 >(TCP, Ethanal, Biodiesel, solar, wind, geothermal) if we started a 
huge drive right now and >said "In 5 years, we will not longer need 
fuel from the middle east because
 >of these modern marvels of science"
Jason, Jason,  Come on.  Imagine a D9 catapiller bulldozer.  Do you 
REALLY think you can make it will PV panels and Windmills???
Do you think you can make a thousand tons of Portland Cement with heat 
from Passive Solar instead of Natural Gas?
I'll be waiting for my ELECTRIC AirPlane.  Do you think they will make 
one?    If it moves faster than 30mph,  there is a 99% chance it is and 
always will be powered by Fossil Fuels.
Show me how you can make Long Chain Polymers(ethylene, Ketones, 
Plastic, etc)  from a windmill, or PV panels.
Gas has an energy density that will NOT be replaced by alternative 
fuels.  Period.
And NO,  6 billion people will NOT be fed by alternative fuels. There 
WILL be a massive die off in the next 20 years.
 >How can the Bush administration not know about Peak Oil? 
 >Almost every high ranking member of the cabinet has a huge
 >oil background.  Say what you will about them, hate them or love
 >them, do you really  think they would allow Peak Oil to happen
 >and for billions of people  to starve to death without doing
 >everything in their power to advert  it.
Jason J Louisville, KY
   "How can the Bush Admin Not know about PO...?"
Jason, how much reading have you done on PO?  Congressman Bartlett met 
with W,  a few months ago and formally discussed Peak Oil.  So he 
"Officially" knows.   Cheney's 2000 Energy Task Force (you really 
haven't read the background on it???)  KNEW ABOUT PEAK OIL.  It was in 
his 1999 Speech.
They KNOW,   They KNEW, The things you see unfolding IS THE PLAN 
Jason,  Yes including the FLU's.
NOTHING is going to "Replace" Natural Gas, or OIL.  Are you replacing 
just Joules and Ergs and Horsepower?  or are you replacing Polycarbon 
Chains which make up most of what you use everyday.
Visit  WWW.DIEOFF.COM if you haven't already and read some more 
I'm not trying to paint a pessimistic picture, just a realistic one.
There IS no replacement for what Petro IS.  A complex Organic Compound 
that can be used to create nearly everything around you from Picnic 
Benches to Jet Fuel to Road Beds.
Speaking of which, close your eyes and think of how much pavement there 
is in the world, is the maintenance of that gonna come from a 
NOTHING is going to sustain our "Easy Motoring Lifestyle"  as Kunstler 
would say.
John Carr virginia ( who is just looking at the sobering truth of what 
a replacement really means)

Keith Thomas
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