[Peakoil] Aljazeera.net article on oil peak

Adrian Whitehead ccserac.project1 at ecoaction.net.au
Tue Apr 12 15:18:03 EST 2005

I gave a talk to a groups of school kids discussing peak oil may not mean a
total disaster. I use the examples of the 1950's when the English motor
cycles had their hay day (I hope I was correct about this). I asked why was
every body driving motorcycles in the 50's in England, one bright kids
answer because it was all they could afford, I said yes and what happen when
oil get very expensive? ANS we will be riding motor bikes.

-----Original Message-----
From: peakoil-bounces+adrian=ecoaction.net.au at act-peakoil.org
[mailto:peakoil-bounces+adrian=ecoaction.net.au at act-peakoil.org] On Behalf
Of Gary Woodman
Sent: Tuesday, 12 April 2005 12:48 PM
To: adrian at ecoaction.net.au
Cc: Peakoil Discussion
Subject: Re: [Peakoil] Aljazeera.net article on oil peak

--- Adrian Whitehead <ccserac.project1 at ecoaction.net.au> wrote:
> htm

Interesting that it doesn't mention motorcycles. As many are aware, in Asia,
where petrol has been high-priced for much of the populations for many
years, small motorcycles abound.

Disclosure: I have three motorcycles (and one-third of a car)


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