[Peakoil-website-changes] [DokuWiki] page changed: senate_oil_inquiry_submission

peakoil at act-peakoil.org peakoil at act-peakoil.org
Sun Feb 26 12:08:49 EST 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/02/26 12:08
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Old Revision: http://act-peakoil.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=senate_oil_inquiry_submission&rev=1140866352
New Revision: http://act-peakoil.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=senate_oil_inquiry_submission
Edit Summary: 
User        : 

@@ -258,9 +258,9 @@
  The global peak in oil production is predicted by the world experts to occur between now and 2035.  Once the peak in global oil production is reached, global production will continually decline from that point on, while demand will is likely to continue to increase, creating a significant rise in price.  As gas is a direct substitute for fossil oil products, its price will also rise.
  We need to start preparing for an oil limited future.  Switching public and freight transport away from oil and gas is an important step and electrified light and heavy rail is a key solution, as its power is derived from non oil and gas sources.
- **Recommendation: We need to invest now in transport alternatives to enable to minimising economic pain of leaving such a transition to too late.**
+ **Recommendation: We need to invest now in transport alternatives to minimise the economic pain of leaving the transition too late.**
  ===== Conclusion =====
  Peak Oil is a great "learning opportunity". We will all learn that there are physical limits to the economy and population. This awareness will help us deal with many other limits we have already started encountering -- such as limits on fresh water and climate-changing pollution -- and any new and unforeseen limits.

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