[Peakoil-website-changes] [DokuWiki] page changed: senate_oil_inquiry_submission

peakoil at act-peakoil.org peakoil at act-peakoil.org
Fri Feb 24 20:17:49 EST 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/02/24 20:17
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Old Revision: http://act-peakoil.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=senate_oil_inquiry_submission&rev=1140772619
New Revision: http://act-peakoil.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=senate_oil_inquiry_submission
Edit Summary: 
User        : 

@@ -227,9 +227,9 @@
  Australia may develop a new conception of itself as a relative safe-haven from a world of troubles. Globalisation will be unwound. The tyranny of distance may end up being our saving. However Australian energy reserves are much sought-after, particularly due to our political stability. We should bear Peak Oil (and gas) in mind when we sign decade-long energy agreements to supply other nations.
  In a world of oil scarcity, with melting icesheets, it is even conceivable that many nations may attempt to conduct oil exploration in Antarctica. As a claimant to a large portion of Antarctica, the Commonwealth needs to be vigilant.
- **Recommendation: the inquiry examine whther current gas export agreements are viable given our own energy demands after the peak of world oil production; the Commonwealth ensures that all oil reserves under its control are exploited as sustainably as possible and are not squandered.**
+ **Recommendation: the inquiry examine whether current gas export agreements are viable given our own energy demands after the peak of world oil production; the Commonwealth ensures that all oil reserves under its control are exploited as sustainably as possible and are not squandered.**
  =====   d. options for reducing Australia’s transport fuel demands =====

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