[Peakoil-website-changes] [DokuWiki] page changed: senate_oil_inquiry_submission

peakoil at act-peakoil.org peakoil at act-peakoil.org
Thu Feb 23 22:30:15 EST 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/02/23 22:30
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Old Revision: http://act-peakoil.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=senate_oil_inquiry_submission&rev=1140692788
New Revision: http://act-peakoil.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=senate_oil_inquiry_submission
Edit Summary: 
User        : 

@@ -168,13 +168,18 @@
  evaluating or committing to measures to ameliorate Peak Oil.**
  =====   c. flow-on economic and social impacts in Australia from continuing rises in the price of transport fuel and potential reductions in oil supply =====
  ==== Sustainability and PowerDown ====
  === Agriculture ===
- **Recommendation: ......**
+ ACT Peak Oil is concerned that agriculture will be greatly affected by higher oil prices. This not just due to higher cost of getting food to market. A higher oil price will drive up the cost of pesticides, which are made from oil. As people switch from oil to natural gas where possible, the price of natural gas will rise, driving up the price of fertilisers.
+ Combined with other threats to Australia's agriculture from salinity, water shortages and climate change, we cannot assume Australian and world agriculture will adapt seamlessly to declining oil production. People may be compelled to start growing their own food as a supplement to commercial production. People may start experimenting and adopting new approaches.
+ Government must support innovators in their attempts to find ways ahead. An example is the case of http://www.abc.net.au/austory/content/2006/s1563374.htm Peter Andrews who converted degraded saline land into fertile drought-resistant pastures. Governments ignored and dismissed his work. It was //Australian Story// which finally turned the situation around. We cannot afford to have authorities close their minds to the many solutions that may emerge in agriculture, and in any other field for that matter. A scientific approach, in its true sense, is essential.
  === Transport ===
  ==== Debt-dependent financial system ====

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