[Peakoil-website-changes] [DokuWiki] page added: senate_oil_inquiry_submission

peakoil at act-peakoil.org peakoil at act-peakoil.org
Mon Feb 20 12:21:14 EST 2006

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====== ACT Peak Oil Submission ======
to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee [[http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/rrat_ctte/oil_supply/index.htm|Inquiry into Australia's future oil supply and alternative transport fuels]].

//Note: The submission should probably be kept quite short. Sometime before the deadline I will come in and fairly mercilessly edit this document down to around 3 pages, assuming it gets that big (Senator Milne has suggested 2 pages for each submission). It should be possible to convey the essential ideas in that space. The point is to be punchy and to the point. For each topic, we need a recommendation.//

The Secretary 
Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport 
Parliament House 
Canberra ACT 2600 

===== Introduction =====
[[http://act-peakoil.org|Act Peak Oil]] was formed a year ago by Canberrans concerned about the implications of Peak Oil.

Addressing the terms of reference:

=====   a. projections of oil production and demand in Australia and globally and the implications for availability and pricing of transport fuels in Australia =====

=====   b. potential of new sources of oil and alternative transport fuels to meet a significant share of Australia’s fuel demands, taking into account technological developments and environmental and economic costs =====

=====   c. flow-on economic and social impacts in Australia from continuing rises in the price of transport fuel and potential reductions in oil supply =====
==== Sustainability and PowerDown ====

=== Agriculture ===

**Recommendation: ......**

=== Transport ===

=== Debt-dependent financial system ===

==== Geopolitical implications ====

=== International competition for Australia's energy reserves ===

=== Antarctica ===

=====   d. options for reducing Australia’s transport fuel demands =====

==== Cycling ====

==== Rail ====

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