[ACTPO Members] (no subject)

ACT Peak Oil president at act-peakoil.org
Mon Oct 6 07:06:33 UTC 2008

steve.doszpot at canberraliberals.org.au,david.morgan at canberraliberals.org.au,pratt at parliament.act.gov.au,audrey.ray at canberraliberals.org.au,brendan.smyth at canberraliberals.org.au,
alistair at alistaircoe.com.au,vicki.dunne at parliament.act.gov.au,jacqui at jacquimyers.com.au,andrea.tokaji at canberraliberals.org.au,matthew.watts at canberraliberals.org.au,james.sizer at cap.org.au,
roger.nicoll at cap.org.au,jane.tullis at cap.org.au,mike.crowther at cap.org.au,
norvan.vogt at cap.org.au,alliance at cap.org.au,info at amp.org.au,shane.rattenbury at act.greens.org.au,clec at tpg.com.au,act at greens.org.au,amanda.bresnan at act.greens.org.au,sue.ellerman at act.greens.org.au,meredith.hunter at act.greens.org.au,joy at joyburch.com,gentleman at parliament.act.gov.au,hargreaves at act.gov.au,yourcandidate at optusnet.com.au,candidate at waynesievers.com,
chris at chrisbourke.com.au,adina.for.ginninderra at gmail.com,dave at davepeebles.com.au,porter at parliament.act.gov.au,stanhope at act.gov.au,
barr at act.gov.au,eleanor at eleanorbates.com.au,corbell at act.gov.au,louise.crossman at gmail.com,gallagher at act.gov.au,mike at mikehettinger.com,dave at davidmathews.com.au, campaignoffice at markparton.com,adam at adam08.com,darren.churchill at act.democrats.org.au,cathymac at bigpond.net.au,ableable at fastmail.fm,lexisnexis_31 at hotmail.com,crossnow at tpg.com.au,gordinitriumph at yahoo.com
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Dear ACT election candidate,

ACT Peak Oil was formed by Canberrans concerned about the imminent peak and
irreversible decline in world oil supplies. This is reflected in the current
upward trend in fuel prices.

We have prepared a survey for all candidates in the ACT election. We will
post responses on our website: http://act-peakoil.org

Thankyou for your valuable time.

1) How would you address the need for food security in the ACT?

2) How can the ACT deal with public transport equitably, given that petrol
is going to go up in price and current urban design is planned around
private cars?

3) What plans do you have to rapidly move the ACT to a low carbon/renewable
energy economy?

4) In what ways can market mechanisms assist in dealing with high fuel
prices and even fuel shortages, and in what ways can they inhibit?

4) What are your ideas on diversifying the economy of the ACT and its region
so as to reduce our dependence on long-distance freight for everyday items?
Apart from Government, what sectors can the ACT economy afford to have less
of, and what might it need more of?

5) Are you concerned about the potential for ad-hoc policy responses (e.g.
biofuel mandates) to do more harm than good? Will you prepare and publish
far-sighted policy - that explicitly acknowledges Peak Oil - so as to avoid
implementing panicked measures thrust upon you by doomed/opportunistic
business sectors?

Yours sincerely,

Alex Pollard
ACT Peak Oil


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